DO NOT go into Binge Mode:
Everyone tends to pig out before the New Year and start fresh and healthy on January 1st. Most people will start out great and then within three weeks they fall off the fitness wagon. No matter when you start your fitness goals, if you want to succeed don’t over eat leading up to it. It only makes you start further back from the starting line.
DO NOT Set Ultimatums:
Setting ultimatums can be a negative and nagging reinforcement, not a gentle and an encouraging force to help you meet your fitness goals. They usually end with guilt if you are unsuccessful and do not follow through every single time. At best, ultimatums may provide a temporary solution, but your fitness goals should be a marathon not a sprint.
DO NOT Have Unrealistic Goals:
Many people will set unrealistic goals that are unobtainable in their set short time frame. Stating “I want to win in a bodybuilding competition in 2 months” may not be a productive goal because when you cannot complete the goal you may get discouraged and lose any momentum you had.
DO NOT Go After Quick Fixes:
Your fitness goals is an overall life change, not a “Fast Fix To Fit” guide that will make you thin instantly. A quick fix won’t change your life. Most quick fixes don’t work anyway. Even when they seem to work, they never have long lasting results. You owe it to yourself to change your life, and anything worthwhile takes time, dedication, and hard work.
DO NOT Go It Alone:
Working out and achieving your fitness goals is never easy. With a support system, you are almost guaranteed to succeed! With accountability and a fun atmosphere full of smiling faces, Ultimate Fitness is a supportive group of people who want to succeed just like you! You don’t have to go it alone. Give us a call, send us a message, or stop in. We are here to help you change your life from the inside out.