A deck of cards has a whole new meaning when they are used to do the “pec deck” challenge (for the pectoral muscles/chest). My trainer, Rosemarie “Bud” Seaman, drew the first five cards from the top of the deck, one at a time, and whatever number appeared was how many pushups I had to do! All face cards are valued at 10!
After doing the first five cards, I then had to do 10 reps of another exercise, and last night I had to do 10 bicep curls with 10 pound weights.
Then, it’s the next five cards, one at a time, followed by 10 reps of bicep curls. It’s a challenge to see how many pushups you can do! I did them with my knees on a pad, which is a modified position for pushups.
It took me only 30 minutes, but I got through the whole deck! That was a total of 341 pushups and 100 bicep curls! Take the challenge! If I can do it, so can you.